Division of Population Health, Health Services Research and Primary CareWe are a division of the School of Health Sciences. We discover how health service changes may have an impact on society more widely. We specialise in using models linked to primary care, epidemiology, health economics and biostatistics to clearly provide the impact medical changes may have in many different areas. Ca-PRI 25Cancer in Primary Care Research International (Ca-PRI) conference 2025DescriptionThe Cancer in Primary Care Research International (Ca-PRI) network conference brings together primary care academics, clinicians, health services researchers, policymakers, patients and charities to network, collaborate, and share primary care cancer research across the cancer continuum. Ca-PRI conference attendees come from right across the globe – the most recent Ca-PRI conference in Melbourne featured over 200 delegates from four continents. There will be an option to attend the conference dinner (£85 pp), dinner tickets can be purchased as an add-on to the registration fees. //www.mcrc.manchester.ac.uk/media/seminars-and-events/capri2025/