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Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre

Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre

Rainbow Clinic Logo

National Rainbow Clinic Learning and Sharing event and IMPROVE course


Day 1 is the annual learning and sharing event for established and new Rainbow Clinics. Day 2 is particularly for new clinics or those interested in establishing a Rainbow Clinic.

The IMPROVE course is a training event for care of parents after a perinatal death. There is a train the trainer and trainee only option.

Day 1 – Whitworth Art Gallery

Day 2 – Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre

Day 3 – Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre


StartEndCourse Fee 
31/03/202531/03/2025£75.00[Read More]
Both Days
31/03/202501/04/2025£100.00[Read More]
IMPROVE course (1st or 2nd April)
01/04/202502/04/2025£35.00[Read More]
IMPROVE train the trainer course (1st and 2nd April)
01/04/202502/04/2025£50.00[Read More]
01/04/202501/04/2025£30.00[Read More]