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CCS, CTIS & CSC Bench Fees

CCS, CTIS & CSC Bench Fees

CCS Academic Visitor Bench Fees

CCS Academic Visitor Bench Fees


Online payment of academic visitor ‘bench’ fees.

Please choose the relevant fee option below i.e. 1 month, 4 months, 12 months etc.

If you have any queries please contact Fiona Daniel on +44 (0)161 275 8084 or Fiona.daniel@manchester.ac.uk

NOTE: Self-funded and Non-CSC (China Scholarship Council) sponsored students should choose options from the 'Standard' column. Cost: £200.40 per month.

If you are being sponsored by the China Scholarship Council then your contribution is £702.40 for 6 months and £1404.80 for 12 months. These options are available in the 'CSC Spons' column.

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CSC Academic Bench Fees

CSC Academic Bench Fees


Online payment of academic visitor ‘bench’ fees for the following departments:-

  1. English, American Studies & The Centre for New Writing (EAS&CNW)
  2. Linguistics and English Language (Ling&EL)
  3. Art History, Drama and Music (AH/D/M)
  4. Languages and Intercultural Studies (L&I Stu)
  5. Language Based Area Studies (LBAS)

Please choose the relevant department and fee option below i.e. 'EAS&CNW, 1 Month' etc.

If you have any queries please contact Fiona Daniel on +44 (0)161 275 8084 or Fiona.daniel@manchester.ac.uk

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CTIS Academic Visitor Bench Fees

CTIS Academic Visitor Bench Fees


Online payment of academic visitor ‘bench’ fees.

Please choose the relevant fee option below i.e. 1 month, 4 months, 12 months etc.

If you have any queries please contact Fiona Daniel on +44 (0)161 275 8084 or Fiona.daniel@manchester.ac.uk

NOTE: Self-funded and Non-CSC (China Scholarship Council) sponsored students should choose options from the 'Standard' column. Cost: £200.40 per month.

If you are being sponsored by the China Scholarship Council then your contribution is £702.40 for 6 months and £1404.80 for 12 months. These options are available in the 'CSC Spons' column.

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