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Speech of the Gods

Speech of the Gods

Speech of the Gods

Speech of the Gods


The Ancient Egyptian civilisation flourished in the Nile Valley for more than 3000 years. Much of our understanding of this great culture comes from its writings; from the monumental inscriptions that the Egyptians dedicated to their gods, their kings and their ancestors, and from the literary and moralistic tales that they left their descendants.

This script, dubbed hieroglyphikos – Sacred Engravings – by the ancient Greeks, was known to the Egyptians as medu-netjer, Speech of the Gods. After the fall of Pharaonic Egypt, the knowledge of how to read hieroglyphs was lost for more than 1400 years until the script was deciphered by the French scholar Jean Francois Champollion in 1822.

They are split into three modules:

Speech of the Gods I: Beginners Middle Egyptian;

Speech of the Gods II: Intermediate Middle Egyptian;

Speech of the Gods III: Advanced Middle Egyptian

StartEndCourse Fee 
Speech of the Gods I: Beginners Middle Egyptian
15/10/202415/12/2024£270.00[Read More]
Speech of the Gods II: Intermediate Middle Egyptian
15/10/202415/12/2024£270.00[Read More]
Speech of the Gods III: Advanced Middle Egyptian
15/10/202415/12/2024£270.00[Read More]
Speech of the Gods I: Beginners Middle Egyptian
15/05/202515/07/2025£270.00[Read More]
Speech of the Gods II: Intermediate Middle Egyptian
15/05/202515/07/2025£270.00[Read More]
Speech of the Gods III: Advanced Middle Egyptian
15/05/202515/07/2025£270.00[Read More]