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Medical Decision-Making: Ethics and Law - Short Online CPD Course


Course Information


This course is done Online

Open Ended Enrolment

Please book here to enrol on the Online CPD Course in Medical Ethics and Law (Students will be given one year to complete the course from date of enrolment) – Instalment Option Available

Once we receive confirmation of your payment you will receive a link (via email) to the online application portal to request some basic information (name, address, contact details etc.) and this will be processed within 24hrs onto the University admissions system. Once you have a student record the team can look to process your enrolment and give you access to the course. The course starts on the 1st of every month. If you have any questions about this booking please contact cpdonline@manchester.ac.uk

Please read our Terms and Conditions


Course Code

Course Description

Please visit the CPD course website for further information

StartEndCourse Fee 
Option 1 Full Price
04/12/202310/07/2026[Read More]
Option 2 Alumni or NHS Staff Discount
04/12/202310/07/2026[Read More]