| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereDescriptionFood In Residence - Buy In To Catering 2024/2025 | | Hulme | | | | Breakfast & Dinner | | | | Term 1 | | £982.80 | Term 2 | | £982.80 | Term 3 | | £680.40 | | | | Full year* | £2,352.00 | | | | Breakfast Only | | | | | Term 1 | | £429.98 | Term 2 | | £429.98 | Term 3 | | £297.68 | | | | Full Year* | £1029.00 | | | | Dinner Only | | | | | Term 1 | | £552.83 | Term 2 | | £552.83 | Term 3 | | £382.73 | | | | Full Year* | £1,323.00 | * Payment for full year to be made in one payment If you require an alternative package to the above then please contact FoodinResidence@manchester.ac.uk for further assistance |