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Current fee is £2,625 per module

Please select the number of modules you wish to pay.

• Postgraduate Certificate – 4 completed modules within 1 year

• Postgraduate Diploma – 8 completed modules within 2 years

• MSc – 8 completed modules plus submitted Dissertation within 3 years

• CPD/Just Buying - If you don’t want to proceed to a formal qualification, you can choose to buy any of the modules just for your own CPD. You will work through the modules and assessments like any other student, but will use the results and feedback simply to guide your development. You won’t normally get a certificate, diploma or MSc if you choose this route.
However if you successfully complete 4 modules, you can apply to transfer onto a formal award such as the Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma or MSc. You would need to have passed all of your modules in order to do this.

Please note that modules are specifically timetabled, therefore please contact the Programme Administrator Jane Syme for further information.
Tel: 0161 306 3770 Email:jane.syme@manchester.ac.uk


Detailed Description


Reliability Engineering & Asset Management (REAM)
Module choices
Module 1 - MACE 69001 Asset Management Strategy & Organisation
Module 2 - MACE 69022 Safety, Legislation & Cost Effectiveness
Module 3 - MACE 69032 Asset Maintenance Systems
Module 4 - MACE 69041 Machinery Vibration-based Condition Monitoring
Module 5 - MACE 69051 Design for Reliability and Asset Management
Module 6 - MACE 69062 Auditing Asset Management & Maintenance Organisations
Module 7 - MACE 69072 Reliability, Maintainability and Risk
Module 8 - MACE 69081 Turnaround Management


For further information visit our website