Sexuality Summer School 2025: IntergenerationalityInfo Location Attendee Categories Contact More Info Event Information
DescriptionSexuality Summer School 2025: Intergenerationality The Sexuality Summer School returns in 2025 with the theme ‘Intergenerationality’, exploring debates about what constitutes a generation and distinguishes one from another in the context of feminist, queer and trans theories and practices. Our discussions will draw together debates in gender, sexuality and critical race studies about how generationality has marked and regulated certain bodies in particular times and contexts. Our public events and postgraduate workshops will examine how knowledge, creative practice and activism in the past has shaped current intellectual and political agendas, as well as artistic forms and collaborations. Exploring memory work, archives and oral histories, we will consider theories and methods for conceptualising past-present relations in terms of debates about desire, violence, consent and regulation. Over the five days of the SSS, our seminars, workshops and public events will offer postgraduate students (MA and PhD) the opportunity to discuss intergenerationality in relation to their current research or creative practices.
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