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SPRG Summer School 2011




Summer School:
‘Sustainable Ways of Life: Theory, Research and Policy’


Detailed Description

SPRG Summer School 2011 ‘Sustainable Ways of Life: Theory, Research and Policy’

There is mounting interest amongst academics, policy makers, and the business and third sectors in how transitions in everyday life can be brought about to create more sustainable societies. Getting to grips with this question will be critical for thinking about the design of appropriate ‘interventions’ to encourage a transition to sustainable ways of life. This is the focus of the Summer School which will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss their own research projects with experts in the field and to hear about the latest thinking from ongoing empirical research, recent theoretical advances and the practitioner context of company and government policy. The School will include presentations from academics, policy makers and business practitioners and interactive, ‘hands on’ sessions.

Please note:  The Summer School will be held at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Harold Hankins Building No.30 on map. Lunches and dinners will be included.  Details of dinner venue to be confirmed.

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