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Graduation Ceremonies DVD

Graduation Ceremonies DVD


Graduation is a major landmark in your life. Your Degree Ceremony will be captured in full on a DVD providing a unique record of the occasion. A Graduation DVD will preserve memories of the ceremony - the procession, the splendour of the Whitworth Hall and, most importantly, the conferring of your Degree along with those of friends and fellow graduands.

If you were unable to attend in person you can watch the archived ceremonies from this link .

To replay the DVD, your DVD player must be able to playback the DVD-R format. The DVD is multi-region and will playback world wide.

If you have any queries regarding your DVD order please contact us on +44 (0) 161 275 2521 or [email protected] 

Please allow 28 days from the order date, for the receipt of your DVD.

For DVD's ordered in advance of your ceremony please allow 28 days from the date of your ceremony for delivery.

If you have any Non DVD related Graduation Queries please contact the Student Services Centre on +44 (0)161 275 5000.

Graduation Ceremonies DVD (Orders from the UK and Other EU countries only)


Graduation Ceremonies DVD (Orders from the Rest of the World only)


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